Art Talk: Ergin Soyal & Emre Zeytinoğlu

Bilsart presents Ergin Soyal’s exhibition entitled “A Brief History of The Whistle” between August 14 – August 24, 2024.

The exhibition focuses on Soyal’s video artwork “A Brief History of Whistle”.

The functionality of the hand can transform into sound with the cooperation of lips, mouth and breath. The name of the sound is whistle, and the uses of whistling are countless. Something happens to the whistle when the hand covering glove comes into play. The whistle is also covered, and gradually fades with gloves that have different functions or usage styles. In ‘A Brief History of The Whistle’, the practitioner searches for the sound of the whistle with a gloved hand to the mouth.

“A Brief History of The Whistle”, video, 3’03”, 2018

Click here for the press kit.


Ergin Soyal (b. 1982, Soma) is a lecturer at Trakya University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Sculpture and lives in Edirne. He recieved his bachelor’s, master’s and proficiency in art degrees at Anadolu University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Sculpture. He focuses on the habitual objects of everyday life and the existing order of familiar play. Creating new possibilities and suspicious uncertainties through discarded objects and play elements, he works in the fields of video, installation, performance and sculpture.